The Better End Of The Deal
The Better End Of The Deal

The Better End Of The Deal

Derek Webb tweeted this recently,

That’s my marriage right there. Without doubt, I have the better end of that deal.

And then I read this verse in the Bible, “Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Outdo one another in showing honour.” (Rom. 12:10 CSB)

“Outdo one another”… kind of suggests that the best relationships are meant to be competitive.

Like sports.

And there are loads of games you can play in the sport of competitive relationships.

For players who are dating or engaged, and especially if you’re married, the winner is the person who holds the other person’s hand first. And for married couples only (I know, I’m a prude), the first to kiss the other goodnight is the winner.

In any relationship, whoever physically stops what they’re doing and takes the time to listen to the other person wins. And for elite players, the winner is the person who asks, “how are you” first, and then actually waits to hear the answer.

How about being the first to be grateful, the first to give a compliment, the first to put the needs of others before yourself.

Imagine the difference to our marriages, homes, workplaces, churches, if every one of us took the sport of competitive relationships seriously, and we did everything we could to outdo each other in showing honour.

Everyone would win. And we would all get the better end of the deal.

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